Sunday 21st February 2010, 01:20


Posted by Lavinia Toma as Info

This site is dedicated to IVV walking events in Romania and abroad.
The Romanian IVV Direct Member Club is the EuroTrainer Association.

Latest event: the IML & IVV Cooperation Cup in Poiana Brașov and Brașov on 2–3 September 2017

Since 2013 you can take part in Dracula Walk or go on Guided Walks.

Between the 2nd – 6th April 2012 we had the pleasure of welcoming the visit of Horten Marsjklubb from Norway.

Under the title Dracula Walk, we spent 3 days walking together, visiting Brasov, Poiana Brasov, Bran and Rasnov, enjoying a medieval dinner in the Citadel atop the city, immersing ourselves for a moment in total darkness – in the Citadel Valley Cave of Rasnov, and – last but not least – taking a tour of the castle of Dracula himself!

Take a look at the beautiful Interbellum Bucharest guided walk:

6 Responses to Welcome!


5th November 2010 at 01:55

Sounds very nice. Who knows, maybe we’ll come in September !


Jeni Pop

7th June 2011 at 18:02

Ma bucur ca in sfarsit in Romania exista IVV . In luna mai Directorul IVV m-a transmis aceasta informatie , la prima editie IVV walking in Sun-ceon Korea. Si eu fac parte din clubul IVV de aici din Korea . Draga doamna Lavinia Toma poate voi avea ocazia sa va intalnesc , acolo, in Brasov , sau aici , in Seul. Felicitari.

Lavinia Toma

7th June 2011 at 19:15

Mi-ati facut o mare bucurie cu mesajul dumneavoastra. Incep sa ma simt din
ce in ce mai bine in familia IVV. Astept sa ne cunoastem personal in Romania
(vom deschide si alte trasee) si in Korea.

Ramanem in legatura.

Cu mult drag

Lavinia Toma

7th June 2011 at 19:16

It is very nice. Waiting for you

Jeni Pop

10th June 2011 at 11:21

In fiecare an intrebam daca avem o filiera in Rom. Si uite ca ..da! Desigur mi-ar face mare place sa merg pe acele circuite. Imi place Brasovul mult, am fost anul trecut la festivalul Garofita cu un grup de coreeni. Sper sa facem un grup si pt mersul in Rom. Cu walkalcoholicii de aici.
Toate cele bune si ne vom intalni pe vreun meridian.

Lavinia Toma

10th June 2011 at 13:04

Sper ca primul meridian sa treaca prin Romania.

Pe curand (timpul trece repede)!

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